• Lisa Widmaier appointed as Executive Director


  • ESAHEC celebrates 25 years of service to the Eastern Shore
  • Ashley Clark is appointed the new Executive Director of ESAHEC
  • Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Revealing of the Jake Frego Conference Center
  • ESAHEC launches its Reduce disparities, Educate minorities, And encourage individuals to take charge of their health through Community collaboration and Healthy living (REACH) Program and CDC Diabetes Prevention Program serving Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s and Talbot County.


  • CareFirst BlueCross Blue Shield-Asthma Home Visiting Program


  • CHRC Community Health Resources Commission (HEZ) Health Enterprise Zone- The State of Maryland implemented the Health Enterprise Zone Initiative in 2013 to improve access to health care and health outcomes in underserved communities and reduce health care costs and avoidable hospital admissions and readmissions.


  • CROC Grant-Children’s Regional Oral Health Consortium (CROC)
  • This program developed a comprehensive dental center in Dorchester County, Maryland, a regional hospital-based pediatric dental program for the six counties located in the predominantly rural mid and lower portions of the state’s Eastern Shore, and a community-based outreach and education program. The goal of the program was to improve the availability of and access to preventive, restorative, and rehabilitative oral healthcare for children from families with lower incomes on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.


  • Black and Decker Partnership: Provided information on health care services, health careers and training resources for employees in need of jobs after the Black and Decker Plant closing.


  • ESAHEC host 6th Annual Conference: Rural Health Disparities


  • ESAHEC host 3rd Annual Conference Rural Access to Healthcare


  • ESAHEC host 2nd Annual Conference: Navigating Managed Care Waters: Ethnical Considerations


  • ESAHEC became fully operational as a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit under Executive Director Jake Frego
  • ESAHEC host Inaugural Annual Conference: Adolescent Pregnancy: Causes, Outcomes and Future Directions


  • The Eastern Shore Area Health Education Center (ESAHEC) was the second center established in Maryland
  • he MAHEC Program and its first center, Western Maryland Area Health Education Center (WMAHEC), were established in 1976. The Eastern Shore Area Health Education Center (ESAHEC) was the second center established in 1995 and the third was the Baltimore Area Health Education Center (BAHEC) in 2002.


  • The Maryland General Assembly passed House Bill 38 establishing the Maryland State Wide Medical Education and Training System (MSMETS). The was for the purpose of establishing a statewide system of AHEC Centers.


  • In 1972, Congress awarded funds to establish AHEC programs in 11 states.
  • The AHEC Program began in the early 1970s when many areas of the United States were faced with severe shortages of healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and public health workers. Recommendations issued by the Carnegie Commission addressed how colleges and universities could help ease these shortages. One of the Commission’s recommendations led to the development of Area Health Education Centers (known as AHECs). In 1972, Congress awarded funds to establish AHEC programs in 11 states. Today, there are 56 programs and over 235 centers in almost every state and the District of Columbia.